
This website serves as a portal to our other sites. Have a look around.

About Us

  • Chrissy's avatar Chrissy

    Chrissy writes about a variety of topics. An advocate for knowledge and learning, she shares her research (and its results) with others in hopes it benefits someone else.

  • Matt's avatar Matt

    A solftware developer, application architect, product manager, and director of engineering, Matt authors blog articles ranging in topic from geekdom to environmental to health and fitness.

All Our Sites

  • Geek Freeq Geek Freeq

    This blog contains articles for “geeks”. We’re geeks, so we write about stuff that may interest others like us. You can read technical articles on programming, game and gadget reviews, and other bits of info.

  • Alter Your Surroundings Alter Your Surroundings

    While working toward better versions of ourselves, we find things we want to share publicly. Alter Your Surroundings fills that need for topics such as: minimalism, decorating, scrapbooking, and projects.

  • Fit Freeq Fit Freeq

    A site dedicated to fitness learning. We do tons of research and deliver what we feel are the most beneficial findings to our readers; everyday people.

  • Liwovien Liwovien

    A blog centered around living healthy with our environment. You’ll find articles about physical fitness programs, food supplements, workout equipment, and more.